By b2c, 26 September, 2023

Client: Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad


Challenges Faced:


There were two major challenges that Berger Paints India Limited helped address -

  • Financial flow: The completion of the painting work is essential because it has a role in all the other civil work that also goes on at the construction site. At times, the payments get delayed and this in turn has a negative impact on the pace of the work. Berger Paints India Limited helped avoid such a delay by being the mediator and holding discussions with SPCL and the contractor. We sorted out the issue by taking approval of a part-by-part measurement and payment system.


  • Color mismatch: There were several instances of color mismatches that occurred in both the interior as well as exterior topcoats. This not only affected the aesthetic appeal of the building but also slowed down the process. Berger Paints India Limited’s effective strategy saw us use single-batch products for a particular area and then a two-step color verification process was done at the depot level to avoid the issue of a color mismatch. The main reason behind the rise of this issue was the use of refurbished machines for depot tinting and machine breakdowns, which largely affects the colour accuracy.


Solution Offered:

After several samples to prove the quality as well as cost-efficiency, Berger Paints India Limited gained the confidence of both, CPWD and SPCL. Our regular follow-ups and timely response to their requirements helped us maintain a personal relationship with both parties. These factors played a key role in helping us win this project and beat our competitors such as Asian Paints and Dulux.


We perfected the color selection with the help of I Train Cochin, I Train Thrissur, Texture and the color calibration team from HO. We submitted the exact color panels as per the client’s requirements (the colors were selected from a different company’s shade card).


The third and final stage was the labor plus material contract. We faced competition from firms across India and also from all the companies which are listed in CPWD’s approved list. We submitted one of our best contracts which met each of their technical and financial requirements. This helped us to win the whole project other than a small texture area, where they needed a special finish, which was not available to us.



Berger Paints India Limited’s well-designed and systematic plans of action and execution saw this project finish as a raging success. The coordinated activity with the HO commercial product team and the combined activity of channel partners along with the Berger team made this project a resounding success.

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How Berger Paints India Limited Played A Key Role In Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad’s Completion
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IIT Palakkad
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