By admin2, 17 August, 2023

Render a unique ambiance to your space with the IPaint Wall Stencil Kit. A one-stop solution to create attractive wall patterns, it's beginner-friendly and available in multiple stencil designs!

By admin1, 17 August, 2023

Berger Butterfly Enamel meant only for interior surfaces can be applied on wooden surfaces and select mild-steel surfaces. It is a solvent based paint which provides maximum level of gloss and complete customer satisfaction

By admin2, 17 August, 2023

Add your own touch to your walls with the IPaint self-painting kit. Perfect for water-based emulsions, the kit grants the flexibility and convenience to paint as per your aesthetics.

By admin2, 17 August, 2023

With expertly designed Polyurethane resins, Luxol PU Enamel is built to provide a long-lasting glossy finish to your walls.

By admin2, 16 August, 2023

Imperia Amaze is a Luxury Acrylic Polyurethane that offers a naturally fresh wood coating ensuring retention of natural look, touch & feel of the surface. 

By admin1, 16 August, 2023

Parrot Wood Primer is manufactured with micro fine pigments, extenders and a synthetic alkyd binder. Offering a tough film, the primer is free from heavy metals like chromium. 

By admin2, 16 August, 2023

Imperia Epoxy Block Primer prevents leaching, improves adhesion & hence prevents peeling off coatings. It also takes care of slow drying problems.

By admin1, 16 August, 2023

Available in attractive shades like Teak and Walnut, Berger Fill-O-Dent is the answer to all wall imperfections. Cover up cracks on interior & exterior surfaces with its superior masking technology.  

By admin1, 16 August, 2023

Butterfly A/C Metal Primer RO has a synthetic alkyd binder and micro fine red oxide powder along with extenders and different additives. It’s free from metals like lead and chromium.

By admin1, 16 August, 2023

Solitaire is a high-quality product that provides the benefits of natural stone under a budget. The unique texture and color range makes it an ideal for architects and homeowners.